Physical Therapist

Takashi Saegusa


  • Physical Therapist Kitasato University
  • Athletic Trainer (NATA-ATC)
    Bridgewater State University, Massaschusetts, US

《Career Summary》

  • Physical Therapist as a public hospital
    In charge of post-operative rehabilitation and chronic diseases
  • Physical Therapist for NTV Tokyo Verdy Beleza, A professional soccer team
  • Physical Therapist for the Japan National Deaf Rugby Team
  • Conditioning trainer for the professional artist
  • 2020 Tokyo Olympics & Paralympics Medical Staff

Masashi Kitami


  • Physical Therapist

《Career Summary》

  • Orthopedic Clinic

Athletic Trainer

Masahiro Wada



《Team Support》

  • Athletic Trainer for Tokyo University Lacrosse team
  • Athletic Trainer for Blue Thunders Football

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